Course Description
November 7, 2024
Sheraton Cerritos
8:45am – 9:00 am Opening Remarks
Adam Bogorad, MAI – 2024 SCCAI President
Jan Kelly – Seminar Chair
9:05 Fair Market Value, According to Whom?
Melissa Bach, MAI, CRE – Executive Managing Director – Cushman & Wakefield
Negotiation, Litigation, and Indian Nations
Jim Kelly – Retired Senior VP, SCE
Tom Tureen, Esq. – Vice Chairman of Morongo Transmission, LLC
Kevin Donahue, MAI – President, Donahue & Company, Inc.
Rick Freiss, Esq. – Partner- Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP
12:05 pm – 12:35 pm – LUNCH
People Vs. Sanchez: Where Are We Now?
Eric Schneider, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, R/W-AV – Schneider Valuation Consultants, Inc.
Emily Madueno, Esq. -Partner – Murphy & Evertz LLP
Bernadette Duran-Brown – Partner – Nossaman LLP
Event Information
November 7, 2024
Sheraton Cerritos
8:45am – 9:00 am Opening Remarks
Adam Bogorad, MAI – 2024 SCCAI President
Jan Kelly – Seminar Chair
9:05 Fair Market Value, According to Whom?
Melissa Bach, MAI, CRE – Executive Managing Director – Cushman & Wakefield
Negotiation, Litigation, and Indian Nations
Jim Kelly – Retired Senior VP, SCE
Tom Tureen, Esq. – Vice Chairman of Morongo Transmission, LLC
Kevin Donahue, MAI – President, Donahue & Company, Inc.
Rick Freiss, Esq. – Partner at Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP
12:05 pm – 12:35 pm – LUNCH
People Vs. Sanchez: Where Are We Now?
Eric Schneider, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, R/W-AV – Schneider Valuation Consultants, Inc.
Emily Madueno, Esq. – Partner at Murphy & Evertz LLP
Bernadette Duran-Brown – Partner – Nossaman LLP
Course Description
This course is in the Litigation Professional Development Program. View this list of FAQs, which includes information regarding the courses you’ll need to complete the program successfully.
Course Objectives
- Describe the general process of a lawsuit involving real property valuation.
- Identify the mechanics and strategies of a deposition and direct testimony.
- Identify the requirements to communicate and defend an opinion of value in a courtroom setting.
Course Details
Program Overview:
Table of Contents and Overview
Course Schedule
- A financial calculator is required. The accepted model used in the program is the HP-12C. AI education programs that require a financial calculator are developed with HP-12C keystrokes; using this model is highly recommended.
- You must be familiar with calculator operation when the program begins. Do not enroll expecting to be taught how to use a financial calculator.
- Free Review: Using a Financial Calculator: Formulas, Symbols, Math Review, and Sample Problems; and Financial Calculator Practice Exercises.
- For additional help with the HP-12C calculator, take our online seminar Using Your HP-12C Financial Calculator.
- HP-12C calculator User’s Manual.
Additional Information:
Course Materials Include:
- Course Handbook (259 pp.)
- Reference List (10 pp.)
You will be asked to clear the calculator’s memory before and after the examination. Only one calculator is permitted in the testing room. Examinees taking most AI exams may bring their own calculator to use during the exam. Laptops, cellular phones, tablets, iPads, wearable technology (smart watch, Apple Watch, Google Glass, etc.), and other devices that can store data or connect to the Internet are NOT permitted during the exam. In addition, all watches, wallets, bags, and purses must be removed and stored out of reach prior to taking the exam.
Event Information
Enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. If the event is filled, a waiting list will be retained. The Southern California Chapter reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule this event if the minimum enrollment level is not reached, and to change faculty assignments and facility locations at any time. Prospective students should confirm their registration before making any non-refundable airline reservations. There are NO transfers; you must cancel out of the offering.
The Appraisal Institute enforces attendance requirements mandated by state licensing and certification regulatory agencies. The Appraisal Institute issues certificates for state certification/licensing or state continuing education credit that verify successful completion and attendance of 100%, with your grade notification letter for courses, or at the conclusion of seminars. One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. This follows Appraiser Qualification Board minimum criteria requirements.
Some classes have prerequisites. Be sure to read the course description to find out if there are any prerequisites for this course.
Some classes have required textbooks. Be sure to read the class description to find out if there are any required textbooks for this course. There will not be any textbooks for purchase at the class. You must buy them ahead of time. If you arrive for a class without the required textbook credit for the class cannot be given and there will be no refund.
Some classes require you bring a laptop and or other equipment. Be sure to read the class description to determine if any equipment is required. You are responsible for bringing your own extension cord(s). None will be provided. Please safeguard your equipment and personal belongings at all times. The Appraisal Institute, the Southern California Chapter, the Instructor or the facility will not be responsible for any loss of your personal belongings.
Some classes are now available with downloadable materials. If you opted to download class materials instead of having them shipped to you, you will be required to bring the materials with you on a laptop or as a hard copy. If you do not have the materials with you credit for the class cannot be given and there will be no refund. Copies will not be available to you in the class. You are responsible for bringing your own extension cord(s). None will be provided.
It is the policy of the Appraisal Institute to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified persons with disabilities who are participating in Appraisal Institute educational programs. If you need accommodations to participate because of a disability, please notify us in writing at least two weeks in advance of the program and we will arrange for reasonable accommodation. Without two weeks’ notice, accommodation may not be available.
With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:
Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org
Log into Your AI Account
Select Education/Events on the right sidebar
See List of All Offerings
Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click
At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate
NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at [email protected].
Program materials can be downloaded by the student.
Course Description
Fulfills BREA’s new appraiser CE requirement for elimination of bias and cultural competency.
3 CE Hours
November 21, 2024
8:30 am – 11:30 am
Virtually – Via Zoom
• The class will be presented live in a Zoom meeting.
• All students must participate by having working video and audio on a computer (this is a requirement for virtual CE presentations). Watching on a phone is not sufficient.
• There is no exam for this class.
• Plan on joining a class 15 minutes before the actual teaching start time to ensure that you can login to the Zoom meeting.
Course description:
In my class, you’ll get up-to-date information from attorney Peter Christensen about what is really happening in the courts and in administrative bodies relating to alleged discrimination in appraising from an attorney who is presently handling cases and investigations. You’ll learn keyways to work on eliminating bias and reduce your legal risk. You’ll also learn why “cultural competency” knowledge and skills are truly important for appraisers – you’ll see how a lack of cultural competency has led appraisers into legal quagmires.
Instructor: Peter Christensen
I serve as General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer to BBG Inc., a nationwide commercial real estate appraisal and property assessment firm. I also teach classes and speak about valuation-related legal topics to appraisers, lenders and regulators.
I am a member of the California, Montana and Washington state bars, as well as a licensed insurance broker. After earning my BS and JD degrees at U.C. Berkeley, I began my legal career at Latham & Watkins LLP. I later served as general counsel to the largest provider of professional liability insurance to appraisers and valuation businesses.
I enjoy traveling the country to meet with and teach my classes to valuation professionals, lenders and regulators – so far, I’ve taught classes in 48 states. I’m based in Bozeman, Montana and serve as a public representative on the Montana Board of Real Estate Appraisers. I also serve as a board member of Eval.com, a company that provides real estate evaluation services to financial institutions nationwide.
Course Description
Mandatory Requirement for Initial State Licensing / Certification (QE) and Renewal (CE)
Includes the required open-book exam
Instructor: Jacinto A. Munoz, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS
Appraisers recognize that they have regulatory obligations but understanding which ones apply when doing federally related and real estate related lender work is challenging. A review of sanctions and disciplinary actions taken against appraisers by the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers makes it clear that many details and nuances of the appraiser laws and regulations are being misunderstood. Common, unintentional errors impact both the reputations of individual appraisers as well as confidence in the competency and ethics of the appraisal profession. This seminar is designed to help you recognize and understand the laws and regulations most important to appraisers practicing in California.
– Learn about the revised & reduced AQB RP Appraiser Qualification Criteria effective May 2018
– Understand the context of and recent amendments to the California “Laws” & “Regs”
– Find out about your new “mini-resume” on the BREA website
– Understand BREA’s new & revised definitions that affect your daily appraisal practice
– Become familiar with the new Federal & California Appraisal Management Company (AMC) Laws & Regs
– Look out for these BREA laws that result in immediate license suspension
Enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. If the event is filled, a waiting list will be retained. The Southern California Chapter reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule this event if the minimum enrollment level is not reached, and to change faculty assignments and facility locations at any time. Prospective students should confirm their registration before making any non-refundable airline reservations. There are NO transfers; you must cancel out of the offering.
The Appraisal Institute enforces attendance requirements mandated by state licensing and certification regulatory agencies. The Appraisal Institute issues certificates for state certification/licensing or state continuing education credit that verify successful completion and attendance of 100%, with your grade notification letter for courses, or at the conclusion of seminars. One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. This follows Appraiser Qualification Board minimum criteria requirements.
With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:
Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org
Log into Your AI Account
Select Education/Events on the right sidebar
See List of All Offerings
Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click
At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate
NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at [email protected].
Program materials can be downloaded by the student.
Cancellation Policy
There is a $35.00 cancellation fee
Additional Information
The Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute invites its members and their guests to the 93rd Installation.
Come and enjoy a special evening with friends and colleagues while we honor our
2025 Chapter Officers and Directors.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Tamayo Restaurant and Art Gallery
5300 East Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
Reception 5:00pm
Dinner 6:00pm
Followed by Installation Program
The program will include the installation
of the Chapter’s 2025 Officers:
President Ernesto Lopez, MAI, AI-GRS
Vice President Ryan T. Hargrove, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS
Treasurer William Jones, MAI, AI-GRS
Secretary Jeffrey Hogan, SRA, AI-RRS
2025 Branch Directors
2025 Region VII Representatives
Casino Night to follow the Program
Seating is limited.
Reservation deadline is December 27, 2024
$85.00 per person
Includes Valet Parking – No Host Bar
Disclaimer Information
8:00 AM – 8:15 AM – Opening Remarks
SCCAI General Member Meeting
Ernesto Lopez, MAI – 2025 SCCAI President
Economics – Global to Local
Ed Coulson – Director, Center for Real Estate at UCI
Capital Markets
Office Market
Multifamily Market
Michael Tidwell, SRA – Cushman & Wakefield
Hotel Market
Justin Myers – Atlas Hospitality
Retail Market
Patrick Toomey – IPA
Industrial Market
Justin Smith – Lee & Associate
Southern California Housing
5:00 pm Closing Remarks
Orell Anderson, MAI
Event Information
8:00 AM – 8:15 AM – Opening Remarks
SCCAI Member Meeting
Ernesto Lopez, MAI – 2025 SCCAI President
Economics – Global to Local
Capital Markets
Office Market
Multifamily Market
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – LUNCH
The California Hotel Market
Retail Market
Industrial Market
Southern California Housing
5:00 PM – Closing Remarks
Orell Anderson, MAI – Event Chair
Course Description
Course Objectives
- Ensure that participants understand the principles and requirements of USPAP.
- Ensure participants understand USPAP in the context of current and common issues.
- Ensure participants know how to use the USPAP publication to solve day-to-day appraisal practice problems.
Course Details
Program Overview:
Table of Contents and Overview
Course Schedule
A laptop computer or tablet device is required for participants who choose an electronic copy of USPAP.
Additional Information:
Course Materials Include:
- Course Handbook (74 pages)
- Reference Manual (360 pages)
Course Description
The urban fires which swept through much of Los Angeles recently have resulted in significant losses of life and property. Economic loss estimates are in the range of $135 to $150 billion but could easily go higher. It is estimated that around 10,000 structures have been destroyed. In the wake of these fires there will be a huge need for timely, accurate, and professionally prepared real estate appraisals for insurance purposes. The Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute will present a two-hour webinar addressing this topic. The webinar will provide participants with vital information on the appraisal process, addressing important questions including:
Who will order the appraisals and how can appraisers contact the parties that will be ordering these appraisals?
Will the parties ordering the appraisals operate from an “approved vendor list?” If so, how can appraisers get on these lists?
What types of appraisals or other documents will be ordered? Will FNMA/Freddie Mac forms be used for the appraisals, or will clients have their own forms they want appraisers to use?
What will be the typical turn times and fees for these appraisals?
What will be the review process for these appraisals?
What other information should appraisers be aware of in preparing appraisals of properties for insurance purposes?
The webinar leader, Charles Baker, SRA, AI-RRS is uniquely prepared to offer guidance on this issue as he has extensive experience in appraising fire damaged/destroyed properties for insurance purposes. Charles is a past president of the Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, the largest chapter in the Institute. Charles was a discussion leader at LDAC, the Leadership Development program of the Appraisal Institute. He is skilled at presenting appraisal-related seminars and briefings to a wide range of audiences. This seminar will provide timely, relevant information in an accessible format at no cost to attendees