Jobs Board

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Jobs Available

Curtis-Rosenthal, Inc. is looking for experienced commercial appraisers to join our LA office by LAX.
1. Appraiser – 2-5 years of commercial appraisal experience
2. Apartment Appraiser – 1-5 years of apartment appraisal experience
3. Senior Appraiser – 8+ years of commercial appraisal experience; CGREA license

Requirements: Self-motivated, hardworking team player; passionate about solving appraisal problems; excellent Word & Excel skills; firm commitment to meeting deadlines; and dedicated to communicating with clients. Please tell us your story, & send resume, references, & compensation history to: [email protected]

BTI Appraisal is seeking an honorable, smart and professional Certified Residential appraiser for a full time position. Our firm has been in business since 1974 and has an extremely diverse client base. Work includes litigation support, trust and estate planning, governmental matters, municipal bonds, marital and corporate dissolutions. Competitive salary and excellent benefits provided, average employee tenure with our company is 20+ years. Must be willing to work from our offices in Glendale. College degree, driver’s license and Certified Residential appraisal license are required. Please email resumes to [email protected]

BTI Appraisal is seeking an honorable, smart and professional Certified General appraiser for a full time position. Our firm has been in business since 1974 and has an extremely diverse client base. Work includes litigation support, trust and estate planning, governmental matters, municipal bonds, marital and corporate dissolutions. Competitive salary and excellent benefits provided, average employee tenure with our company is 20+ years. Must be willing to work from our offices in Glendale. College degree, driver’s license and Certified General appraisal license are required. Please email resumes to [email protected]

Need a positive career change?  Want to enjoy your work?  We are looking for a uniquely qualified appraiser with a minimum of 5 years of experience and a certified general appraisal license; well along on the path of achieving the MAI designation.  We are one of Southern California’s most trusted boutique valuation and consulting practices.  Forward a resume and personalized letter to [email protected], or call 626-405-9922.

Jobs Wanted

Other Services

Need to kick start your marketing? My team and I can create an amazing website that is also mobile friendly and searchable. We can also help get you listed on over 70 business directory sites like Google Business, Whitepages, Yelp, and more! Email me for a list of websites we’ve already created at [email protected]. For a quote go to:

Place An Ad

Information For Submitting Ads:

All ads are FREE to Employers looking for Appraisers.

Ads for individuals seeking employment opportunities are free to SCCAI Members.
SCCAI non-Members will be charged $100 per ad per month.

All other ads will be charged at a rate of $50.00 per month or $250.00 for 12 months when paid in advance.

Please submit your ad no later than the 25th of each month for the coming month.

Ads must be 75 words or less and must be typewritten.
You may submit you text via email to: [email protected].

To pay by check:
Please make your check payable to SCCAI and mail it along with your ad to:

SCCAI Employment Bulletin
2440 S. Hacienda Blvd. #104
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
Phone: (818) 957-5111